
Use Mindfulness to Combat the Stresses of Life
Everyone is probably familiar with the phrase ‘to live in the moment’ – when we’re able to bring our awareness fully into the present time and be appreciative of our thoughts and feelings. Not distracted by memories from the near or distant past, any prejudicial thoughts or anticipation of what might happen in the future – simply just enjoying the state of ‘being’. Unfortunately many of us feel compelled to live our lives in the mental and physical fast lane – barely taking a moment in our day to calm ourselves, relax and be thankful for what we have. At...

The Journey of our Ethical Eye Pillow
Every item we produce at Intui comes with the reassurance that it will be kind to you and kind to the planet. Our beautifully-crafted Bliss Eye Pillows are no exception. From the outset, we wanted to create an eye pillow that was ergonomically perfect, non-toxic, soft on the skin and aesthetically pleasing. With the help of two talented British designers – print designer Katie Hipwell and product designer Alex – and our trusted factory partners in India, we feel we’ve achieved a great result! Sourcing the fabric After much searching we chose a reputable eco manufacturer in North India...

Follow the path: The 8 Limbs of Yoga (Part two)
The ‘8 Limbs of Yoga’ is a yogic code of life, written by the ancient sage Patanjali, that retains so much relevance in today’s world. In fact, in our noisy, high-stress, over-stimulated environments, you could say such a code is more needed than ever before. The ‘8 Limbs of Yoga’ signpost the path to...

Guide to the 8 Limbs of Yoga (Part one)
With the stresses of modern life, demands of our families and overall ‘busy-ness’ of our everyday jobs, wouldn’t it be great to have a blueprint showing us how we can live our life to maintain optimal health? Well such a blueprint exists, it’s been around for more than 5000 years, and it’s free for anyone...
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